
10 06, 2013

Art Venice, Art Venice, Art Venice


If you happen to be in Venice, Italy between June and November, you will see art everywhere…strange art, really ugly art, and beautiful, take-your-breath-away art!   Art is in the museums, the palazzos, the canal-fronted warehouses, small intimate gardens!   It’s everywhere!

The Venice Biennale, one of the most prestigious contemporary art shows in the […]

Art Venice, Art Venice, Art Venice2013-06-10T16:36:16-07:00
30 04, 2013

Lightning Strikes Art!


Alert!  Alert!  Lightning has struck in the world of art and science!

The question:  Does art enhance science and math…and vice versa?

The answer:  Yes!   There are correlations between a Rembrandt portrait […]

Lightning Strikes Art!2013-04-30T17:07:22-07:00
9 04, 2013

Art is Everywhere, It’s Everywhere!


Yes!  We can be surrounded by great design…as we work, travel, practice our religion, and just live.



This astonishing 54-story tower and it’s smaller companion building lean and loom like science-fiction creatures poised to stomp all over […]

Art is Everywhere, It’s Everywhere!2013-04-09T18:29:19-07:00
25 03, 2013

The Most Famous Supper in History


Leonardo da Vinci captured the moment in which Jesus makes the staggering announcement that he will be betrayed by one of His disciples. This is the last supper they will share.

He is indeed betrayed by Judas Iscariot […]

The Most Famous Supper in History2013-03-25T11:14:18-07:00
4 02, 2013

3 Famous Outsider Artists


Outsider Art:
Naive…visionary…never been in an art school or gallery…disturbing images…

First impression of Clementine Hunter’s paintings: charming, quaint, life on the plantation.
But, look deeper into these child-like paintings of picking cotton, picking pecans, washing clothes, baptisms […]

3 Famous Outsider Artists2013-02-04T17:39:20-08:00
23 01, 2013

Girl with a Pearl Earring


Did we just call out her name?  Is she turning to us to whisper a secret?  We lose ourselves in her gaze, and all of a sudden we feel a quickening of the heart…a charge of energy.

We […]

Girl with a Pearl Earring2013-01-23T14:35:24-08:00
11 01, 2013

BEHOLD, America!


American art is evolving!
American art is pushing all the boundaries!

It is almost inconceivable how much the work of American artists has changed in the past 250 years. This mind-boggling evolution is brilliantly presented by three renowned San Diego museums…The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, The San Diego Museum of Art and […]

BEHOLD, America!2013-01-11T13:20:18-08:00
17 12, 2012

Christ is Born!


And the angel said: “this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths, and lying in a manger.”

Christ, Christmas, birth, painting, Jesus, Fresco, virgin, Mary, nativity


Christ is Born!2012-12-17T16:13:31-08:00
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