
30 10, 2013

World’s Greatest Portrait Painter


The greatest portrait painter in the world?
Rembrandt Van Rijn, 1606-1669

Acclaimed master of the self-portrait, forty of which survive today.

Rembrandt’s paintings will forever change the way we experience an artist’s self-portrait. Rembrandt revealed much more than his likeness in the paintings. He painted his turbulent life for all to see. The masterly portraits painfully […]

World’s Greatest Portrait Painter2013-10-30T01:45:06-07:00
15 10, 2013

The Earliest Art Form…Dance!


Dance has long been considered the earliest art form, but it has been elusive to capture and difficult to document.  Hence, scant records of dance movements exist.

Fortunately, artists throughout time have depicted  dancers on cave walls, pottery, tapestries, marble, parchment, canvas, and most recently on computer screens.


The Earliest Art Form…Dance!2013-10-15T11:09:11-07:00
1 10, 2013

Virginia Woolf: Who’s Afraid of Art?


Virginia Woolf:   “One should be a painter.  As a writer, I feel the beauty, which is almost entirely colour, very subtle, very changeable, running over my pen, as if you poured a large jug of champagne over a hairpin.”

Woolf […]

Virginia Woolf: Who’s Afraid of Art?2013-10-01T13:01:51-07:00
17 09, 2013

Tank Man – Art of Documentary


In 1989, over half a million peaceful people, mainly students, assembled in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China, to protest the corruption of the Communist government. In retaliation, army tanks were sent to clear the Square.

One anonymous man stood in […]

Tank Man – Art of Documentary2013-09-17T15:27:49-07:00
4 09, 2013

Munch…more than just “The Scream”


Edvard Munch, Norway’s greatest artist and famous for The Scream, once hooted and jeered by the public? How could that be?

Munch’s paintings were revolutionary. The technique of scratching, layering and smudging the canvas was unheard of.  

His subjects were the complex ones of life, death, anxiety and human sexuality…frightening in their intensity […]

Munch…more than just “The Scream”2013-09-04T00:43:10-07:00
21 08, 2013

Cubism Understood at Last!


The Father of Modern Art…Picasso?  Nope.

Linda Blair, renowned San Diego Art Historian, asserts Paul Cézanne,  French painter in the latter part of the 1800‘s, as the precursor of Cubism and hence, the true Father of Modern Art…not Picasso!

Cézanne, Cubism, Father of Modern Art […]

Cubism Understood at Last!2013-08-21T11:49:29-07:00
24 07, 2013

Degas At The Races


Edgar Degas, one of the greatest French Impressionists of the mid-1800’s, painted more than just ballerinas.  Yes, indeed.

In the winter of 1872 Degas traveled to New Orleans, the birthplace of his mother, and became enamored with horses […]

Degas At The Races2013-07-24T10:20:16-07:00
8 07, 2013



Heroes arise from everyday life. Supernatural and powerful forces lead the ordinary person to perform wondrous deeds, often bestowing good upon their fellow man.


Joan of Arc’s story is one of those rare events in history […]

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