
16 05, 2022

International Art on the Edge! Kirby at Tijuana Museum


Border Wall: Are You In or Are You Out? Border Wall: Are You In or Are You Out?
Kirby Kendrick

Art installation representing the wall between the US and Mexico. Corrugated tin, spray paint, stencil, collage, wire, and mirrored material. 

Step close to the art installation. […]

International Art on the Edge! Kirby at Tijuana Museum2022-05-16T21:37:33-07:00
18 01, 2022

Fritz Scholder, American Artist (1937-2005)


"Standing Indian", 1972 Fritz Scholder Standing Indian, 1972
Fritz Scholder

“It’s a promise. I will NEVER paint a Native American figure!”

Strong statement from Fritz Scholder, renowned Native American artist.
Scholder believed portraying the American Indian in art had devolved into a romantic cliché and stereotyped role. […]

Fritz Scholder, American Artist (1937-2005)2022-01-19T09:57:15-08:00
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